Beijing Weather in April

Beijing Weather in April

After the wildly changeable weather of March, April, maintains an average temperature of 20℃. It is occasionally windy and clothing should be adjusted with the rise and fall of the temperature.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
20 8 20 5
68 46.4 87.8 41

Sunny Days: 11 Days Cloudy Days: 14 Days Rainy Days: 5 Days

What to wear and bring?

In early April:

In the day time, people can wear jackets over their shirts or leather jackets over thin woolen pullovers. Wearing layers, with clothes you can add or remove, is advisable as spring moves into summer. Carry jackets or other warm clothing for the evenings.

Tips: (Weather for the Tomb-Sweeping Day)

In the spring when the temperatures see a big rise, people could put on light windproof jackets, or knitted sweater.

In mid-April:

When spring almost gives in to summer, wear thermal underwear and warmer outfits when it is clear. As many pandemics seem to start in spring, please take along family medicine for colds or the possibility of being infected with unfamiliar viruses.

In late April:

Beijing is under siege by catkins spreading pollen in the air. Some people will develop allergies to the non-poisonous but troublesome plant parts. People who tend to have allergies should put on face masks and carefully wipe catkins off their faces with tissues or disposable wet wipes.

Historical Beijing Weather in April

historical beijing weather in aprilclick here to enlarge

Beijing AQI(Air Quality Index) in April

According to the historical Beijing AQI data in 2018

The average AQI for Beijing in April is 103.3, which is a normal level in Beijing. 5 days were evaluated as ‘excellent’, 12 days were ‘good’, 11 days were ‘lightly polluted’, and 2 days were ‘moderately polluted’. Don't worry too much about air quality this month; it's basically harmless and suitable for outdoor activities.

Air Quality Index Value

Where to Go and Travel Tips

April is one of the best months to visit Beijing. Hiking, and flower appreciation are recommended, as well as kite flying. April is the blooming season of cherry blossoms, magnolia, and lilac. The best places to enjoy the flowers are Yuyuantan Park, the Temple of Heaven and Jingshan Park. Yuyuantan Park is the largest cherry garden in China and holds the cherry blossom festival every April.

The traditional activities of Chinese people this month are worshiping ancestors, spring outings, planting willow branches and flying kites. This is because there is an important Chinese festival this month, the Qingming Festival. It is a day to hold a memorial ceremony for people who have passed away. So visiting some memorials of great men or joining some traditional activities at this time can help you understand Chinese culture.

With so many flowers in bloom, people with pollen allergies need to take precautions. Explain the situation to your guide in advance and try to avoid places with flowers.

April Events, Holidays & Festivals

Qingming Festival

The main custom of Qingming Festival is also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day or the Mourning Day. The day is for commemorating ancestors and sweeping tombs, and is also the common link between the Chinese nations. There are a great many interesting customs during the Qingming Festival and it is a good time for travel.

Beijing University Student Film Festival

This is the first film festival in China every year. Its authority is widely recognized by people in the film industry, and it is an important stage for displaying excellent Chinese films. This festival features an emphasis on the participation of university students, from which you can find film and television talents in the future here. If you are a fan of Chinese movies, you will be interested in this activity.

Cherry Blossom Festival

Held in Yuyuantan Park, it is the largest Cherry blossom festival in China. During the festival, 2,000 cherry blossoms of 20 varieties are in full bloom. Cherry blossoms have a short flowering period and can be enjoyed for up to two weeks in late March and early April. Check information in advance to make sure you don't miss those beautiful fairies.

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