Suzhou Weather in June

Suzhou Weather in June

June in Suzhou is summer already. The daytime average temperatures vary between about 22℃/71.6℉ and 29℃/84.2℉. Among them, the maximum temperatures can go as high as 37℃/98.6℉ towards the end of the month. There are likely to be about 6 rainy days in the whole month and it often rains heavily at the end of the month. The rest of the time it is mostly cloudy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
29 22 37 19
84.2 71.6 98.6 66.2

Sunny Days: about 4 days
Cloudy Days: about 15 days
Snow Days: about 6 days
Overcast Days: about 5 days

What to wear and bring?

In early June
The weather is nice in early June, there are more cloudy days and some overcast days and it is so pleasant that you can go outside to enjoy yourself. The maximum temperature is between 26℃/78.8℉ and 31℃/87.8℉. The ideal dress code is to be as comfortable and cool as possible, so you could wear T-shirts, and shorts or short skirts. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat are recommended for outdoor activities.

In mid-June
In the middle of this period the minimum temperature stays around 22℃/71.6℉. It is generally sunny or cloudy, with a couple of days of rain. You will need to wear cool clothes such as shorts, short suits and T-shirts. Don’t forget to take an umbrella to go out.

In late June

Historical Weather in June

historical weather in click here to enlarge
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