Suzhou Weather in July

Suzhou Weather in July

The maximum temperature is going to be still higher in July and the average maximum is about 33.3℃/91.94℉. There are likely to be about 12 rainy days in the whole month and it often rains heavily at the beginning of the month. The rest of the time it is mostly cloudy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
33.3 27 37 24
91.94 80.6 98.6 75.2

Sunny Days: about 3 days days
Cloudy Days: about 15 days
Snow Days: about 12 days
Overcast Days: about 1 day

What to wear and bring?

In early July
Sometimes there are thunder showers continuously for three or four days in a row, so you might need to stay inside as much as possible. You will need to bring rain gear, wear non-slippery shoes and a water-proof coat, and carry an umbrella.

In mid-July
The weather is nice in the middle of this period, there are more cloudy days and it is so pleasant that you can go outside to relax and have a good time. At the same time, it is necessary to wear sunscreen and keep ultraviolet rays from injuring your skin. The dress code is to be as comfortable and cool as possible.

In late July
The weather is similar to earlier this month, but there might be a couple of days with higher temperatures up to 37℃/98.6℉. The minimum temperature is around 28℃/82.4℉. Re-apply sunscreen if you have stay in the sunlight. Wearing short sleeves, skirts, or shorts to keep cool can help to prevent sunstroke. Don’t forget to take rain gear to go out.

Historical Weather in July

historical weather in julyclick here to enlarge
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