Suzhou Weather in February

Suzhou Weather in February

The temperature in February rises a bit. The highest maximum temperature climbs to 19℃/66.2℉ and the average maximum is 9℃/48.2℉. There are more sunny days and more cloudy days during this month. It may be rainy for nearly a week.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
9 2 19 -4
48.2 35.6 66.2 24.8

Sunny Days: about 9  days
Cloudy Days: about 7 days
Snow Days: about 5 days
Overcast Days: about 7 days

What to wear and bring?

In early February
The weather in early February is nice, there are more sunny days and more cloudy days without rain. However, the minimum temperatures are still low, between -4℃/24.8℉ and -5℃/41℉. You will need to wear a heavy sweater or a down jacket if you go out. Ladies who wear dresses or skirts are advised to wear thick leggings or pants underneath, to avoid catching a chill. You will need to wear a heavy coat.

In mid-February
During the middle period of this month, there could be up to 5 days of rain, with light to moderate rain. Bring an umbrella and wear water-proof shoes. During this period, the highest maximum is 19℃/66.2℉ and the minimum temperature is -3℃/26.6℉. You could wear long sleeves, thin jeans or casual clothes by day, but you will need to wear cotton coats, leather jackets and other heavy warm clothes by night.

In late February
Compared to early February, it is warmer in late February. The maximum temperature is about 17℃/62.6℉, and the minimum temperature is 2℃/35.6℉. Warm sweaters, heavy coats, winter overcoats or a leather jacket can be worn to keep warm. There are some rainy days, so it’s a good idea to bring rain gear.

Historical Weather in February

historical weather in februaryclick here to enlarge
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