Shanghai Weather in May

Shanghai Weather in May

When spring ends and summer begins, it is not only the temperature that surges. The humidity value is high too. The weather changes irregularly.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
27 19 32 16
80.6 66.2 89.6 60.8

Sunny Days: 8 days

Cloudy Days: 8 days

Rainy Days: 14 days

What to wear and bring?

In early May

Cotton and loose clothing is the wise choice while polyester and tight clothing would be uncomfortable. Breathable clothing could reduce sweating.


Weather on Labor Day:

It rains a lot on Labor Day, and so the UV reading is generally low. The temperature is cool at dawn and dusk.

In mid-May

The weather is changeable, so keep an eye on the weather forecast and be prepared appropriately with rain gear, sunblock cream, and avoid catching a cold by getting wet and/or chilled.

In late May

Loose clothing enables outdoor activities and ventilation in the summer heat.

Historical Shanghai Weather in May

historical shanghai weather in mayclick here to enlarge
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