Shanghai Weather in July

Shanghai Weather in July

The summer heat can sometimes be overwhelming in Shanghai in July. Early July is still part of the rainy ‘Meiyu’ Period.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
36 28 40 25
96.8 82.4 104 77

Sunny Days: 13 days

Cloudy Days: 16 days

Rainy Days: 15 days

What to wear and bring?

In early July

As early July is also part of the ‘Meiyu’ Period, it is sensible to bring along rain gear in the changeable weather. Mosquitoes and other insects are rampant in summer. Insect repellent is a must when travelling in Shanghai in July. In addition, long thin clothing keeps away mosquitos during outdoor activities.

In mid-July

There are more hot days when the environmental temperature is higher than that of the body temperature. In such conditions, exposed skin should be less than 25% of the total. Otherwise, the thermal radiation will make people feel even hotter.

In late July

Sunblock cream, sun hats and sun shades are all necessary in the sweltering summer.

Historical Shanghai Weather in July

historical shanghai weather in julyclick here to enlarge
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