Guiyang Weather in October
![Guiyang Weather in October](
It begins to get cool in October. In this month, the average maximum temperature goes down to 17℃/62.6℉, and there are mostly overcast and rainy days, with a few cloudy days.
Average Maximum | Average Minimum | Highest Maximum | Lowest Minimum | |
℃ | 17 | 11 | 21 | 8 |
℉ | 62.6 | 51.8 | 69.8 | 46.4 |
Overcast Days: 18days
Cloudy Days: 4 days
Rainy Days: 9 days
What to wear and bring
Early October
This is the hottest period in October. The maximum temperature stays generally around 20℃/68℉. There are some overcast days, with a couple of rainy days. You can wear cool shirts and lightweight coats. You’d better to take an umbrella in case of rain.
Weather on the Chinese National Day
Usually on the National Day, the weather is overcast and the temperature is between 13℃/55.4℉ and 20℃/68℉. In China, a lot of people choose this time to take a trip. It is recommended that you wear clothing like long sleeved shirts and long dresses.
In the middle of the month, it begins to get cool. The temperature starts to drop for the whole of mid-October. There are mostly overcast days, with a couple of rainy days, and it is recommended that you wear clothing like shorts with thin coats, or long sleeves.
Late October
The weather is similar to the middle of the period, with the temperature between 8℃/46.4℉ and 21℃/69.8℉. The days are almost all overcast during the period. It is recommended that you wear clothing like dresses, shirts and long pants.
Historical Guiyang Weather in October
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