Guiyang Weather in November

Guiyang Weather in November

In November, the temperature continues to fall, and is between 1℃/33.8℉ and 23℃/73.4℉. There are a lot of rainy days, and the other days are overcast or cloudy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
14 7 23 1
57.2 44.6 73.4 33.8

Sunny Days: 2 days
Cloudy Days: 9 days
Overcast Days: 9 days
Rainy Days: 10 days

What to wear and bring

Early November
In early November, there are mostly overcast days, with some rainy days. The temperature is between 3℃/37.4℉ and 19℃/66.2℉. It is recommended that you wear warm clothing like sweaters and coats. Bring your rain gear.

Mid- November
The weather is similar to early November, but the temperature is higher. The highest temperature can reach to 23℃/73.4℉. It is recommended that you wear clothes such as long sleeves, coats and sweaters.

Late November
In late November, the temperature begins to pick up, with the minimum temperature staying generally around 1℃/33.8℉. Compared with early and mid-November, late November is cold. As it is rainy for most of the time. It is recommended that you wear clothing like a winter coat or a down jacket.

Historical Guiyang Weather in November

historical guiyang weather in novemberclick here to enlarge
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