Xiamen Weather in September

Xiamen Weather in September

The weather situation in September is similar to August. The average maximum temperature is 25.7℃/78.26℉. The highest maximum temperature is about 35℃/95℉. There are likely to be only about six rainy days in this month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
32.9 25.7 35 24
91.22 78.26 95 75.2

Sunny Days: about 6 days
Cloudy Days: about 15 days
Rainy Days: about 6 days
Overcast Days: about 3 days

What to wear and bring?

In early September Early September usually has about four cloudy and rainy days. The minimum temperature is around 26℃/78.8℉. You should wear shorts or a skirt, and short sleeved shirts. Don’t forget to take rain gear in case it rains.

In mid-September Compared to early this month, the temperature during this period rises a bit. The maximum temperature in mid-September is 35℃/95℉. It is necessary to wear cool clothing. If you must be in the sunlight, use the strongest sun-block cream you can get and wear a hat.

In late September In late September, there are likely to be a couple of sunny days, with the highest maximum temperature being 35℃/95℉. The best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun or any hot confined place and drink fluids regularly. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the temperature is likely to be between 26℃/78.8℉ and 33℃/91.4℉. A long chiffon skirt, or shorts, and a short sleeved shirt are adequate clothing. You’d better to take an umbrella when you go out.

Historical Weather in September

historical weather in septemberclick here to enlarge
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