Xiamen Weather in July

Xiamen Weather in July

Compared to last month, the temperature is higher in July. The highest maximum temperature is about 36℃/96.8℉. There are sunnier days at the end of the month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
32.4 25.8 36 25
90.32 78.44 96.8 77

Sunny Days: about 6 days
Cloudy Days: about 13 days
Rainy Days: about 11 days
Overcast Days: about 1 day

What to wear and bring?

In early July In early July, the maximum temperature is between 30℃/86℉ and 32℃/89.6℉. The minimum temperature is around 25℃/77℉. You should wear shorts, or a skirt, and short sleeves. There is likely to be a shower or two at the beginning of the month, so it is better to go outside with your raingear.

In mid-July It gets hot in mid-July, when the maximum temperature is 35℃/95℉. The weather will continue to be burning hot and dry, so please as far as possible stay indoors out of the heat, and prevent heat-stroke.

In late July In late July, there are likely to be a couple of rainy days, with heavy rain, but the maximum temperature goes up to 36℃/96.8℉. There are more sunny days, so it is also important to stay cool and avoid heatstroke. Do not stay outdoors in the sunshine for any length of time. It is recommend that you wear light, comfortable clothing such as shorts, or a skirt, and short sleeves.

Historical Weather in July

historical weather in julyclick here to enlarge
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