Xiamen Weather in October

Xiamen Weather in October

Compared to last month, the temperature is a little bit lower towards the end of the month. The average temperature is between 28.3℃/82.94℉ and 19.8℃/67.64℉. There are usually a couple of rainy days in the month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
28.3 19.8 34 0
82.94 67.64 93.2 32

Sunny Days: about 10 days
Cloudy Days: about 15 days
Rainy Days: about 2 days
Overcast Days: about 4 days

What to wear and bring?

In early October In early October, the temperatures are quite high and there is not much variation in the temperature. The maximum temperature is around 31℃/87.8℉. It is necessary to wear shorts or a skirt, and a short sleeved shirt.
The weather is likely to be nice on National Day, with the maximum temperature about 34℃/93.2℉, and the minimum temperature is generally about 24℃/75.2℉. On this often sunny day, you just need to wear a short sleeved shirt, shorts or a skirt, and sandals.

In mid-October The temperatures remain between 18℃/64.4℉ and 34℃/93.2℉ on the whole during this period, and as there might be one or two rainy days, and you should take an umbrella when you go out. You will need to wear cool clothing and take a thin coat in case the temperature drops.

In late October In late October, the maximum temperature drops down to 17℃/62.6℉. The lowest minimum temperature is 0℃/32℉, and the temperatures vary widely from day to night. The sun shines brightly during the day, and it is a nice time to go shopping and play outside. You’d better keep your skin either well covered or well protected with sunblock cream. You should wear long sleeves, trousers, shirts and bring a thin coat when you go out.

Historical Weather in October

historical weather in octoberclick here to enlarge
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