Xiamen Weather in November

Xiamen Weather in November

November in Xiamen is much cooler than October, and there are only 4 days with the maximum temperature over 28℃/82.4℉. The maximum temperatures for the rest of the month are usually between 15℃/59℉ and 27℃/80.6℉. There is usually about a week of showers.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
23.6 17.7 28 13
74.48 63.86 82.4 55.4

Sunny Days: 0 days
Cloudy Days: about 18 days
Rainy Days: about 7 days
Overcast Days: about 5 days

What to wear and bring?

In early November In early November, there are quite a few cloudy days, when the minimum temperature is around 19℃/66.2℉. It is pleasant enough that you can go outside have a good time. You should wear thin pants, and short sleeved shirts.

In mid-November The middle period of this month is a little bit humid, because there are likely to be a couple of rainy days. You’d better to take an umbrella in case it rains when you want to go out. It is necessary to wear trousers or a skirt, and short sleeves.

In late November The weather is similar to mid-November, and the maximum temperature can be from 15℃/59℉ to 26℃/78.8℉. It is recommended that you wear trousers, and a T-shirt with a thin coat. Don’t forget to take an umbrella to go out.

Historical Weather in November

historical weather in novemberclick here to enlarge
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