Guilin Weather in December

Guilin Weather in December

In December, Guilin gradually enters the cold winter with the average temperature staying around 7-15°C. The temperature differences between day and night are increasing. The travelers could only enjoy their trips when they are well prepared for such cold days when the cold and frostbite may occur.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
168 213
60.8 46.469.837.4

Sunny Days: 10 days

Cloudy Days: 17 days

Rainy Days: 4 days

What to wear and bring?

In early December

For most of the days in early December, it is cloudy and overcast. Although the temperature in the day time is around 15°C and even reaches 19°C, it can be as low as 8°C at night. It is recommended to wear sweaters and cotton-padded clothes during the day trip and put on scarves and gloves at night.

In mid-December

The temperature drops sharply in mid-December and the daily temperature stays around only 5°C. It is mostly sunny and cloudy. Sprinkles can occur from time to time. But it is good to carry rain gear given the chilly weather. For those who choose to go for a tour in mid-December, please include down jackets, thick suits and other warm clothes in your plan to avoid catching a cold or frostbite.

In late December

When it comes to late December, clear days can be expected for most of the time. The temperature picks up a little in the day time and the temperature at night keeps dropping, which brings a catch up of warmth within a day. The maximum temperature during the day can reach 20° C, while the night temperature is around 10°C. It is recommended to wear sweaters, coats, etc. during any day trip and put on winter clothes and down jackets when it is really cold in the evening.

Historical Guilin Weather in December

historical guilin weather in decemberclick here to enlarge
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