Guilin Weather in August

Guilin Weather in August

Guilin is bathed in the hottest temperature of the year in August. Although wet weather dominates August, the general trend of rising temperatures has not been affected. As rain could cause the temperature to drop to 27°C, the maximum temperature is around 35°C for most of the time. When you travel with your rain gear, you should also be prepared for sun exposure and heat stroke.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
33 25 37 22
91.4 77 98.6 71.6

Sunny Days: 3 days

Cloudy Days: 10 days

Rainy Days:18 days

What to wear and bring?

In early August

Clouds and showers are the show the weather frequently puts on. The maximum temperature during the day is around 35°C. It is cool at night after the rain and it is suitable for a trip. During the day, it is recommended to wear thin clothing such as short sleeves. Be prepared for strong sunshine. Avoid long time exposure to the sun and heat stroke.

In mid-August

Torrential rain can be ushered in in mid-August, causing the temperature to drop to around 25°C for 1-2 days. Please carry rain gear. Traveling after the rain is an excellent choice. Rainy weather helps reduce the possibility of getting sunburn and heat stroke. Thin T-shirts are a good choice. Sun protection measures are essential for a tour on clear days.

In late August

The weather in late August is basically the same as that in early August. But sunny days will show after torrential rain. Cloudy days are the most frequent days. The temperature is between 25 and 32°C. It is recommended to wear cool and breathable clothes such as short sleeves and shorts to prevent heatstroke.

Historical Guilin Weather in August

historical guilin weather in augustclick here to enlarge
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