Kunming Weather in July

Kunming Weather in July

The weather in July is similar to last month, with the highest maximum temperature being about 27℃/80.6℉. It is likely to rain almost every day in the whole month, with especially heavy rain in the middle of the month. The few days when it doesn’t rain are mostly cloudy.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
23 16 27 15
73.4 60.8 80.6 59.0

Cloudy Days: 5 days
Rainy Days: 26 days

What to wear and bring

Early July
In early July, there could be up to 9 days of rainy days, with light to heavy rain. However, the minimum temperature is around 17℃/62.6℉. You should wear long-sleeved shirts, thin pants and a thin coat. Bring an umbrella to go out and keep yourself safe with water-proof shoes.

Sometimes there is moderate rain continuously for three or four days, so you might need to stay inside as much as possible. You will need to bring rain gear, wear non-slippery shoes and a water-proof coat.

Late July
Compared to mid-month, there might be a couple of days with higher temperatures up to 27℃/80.6℉. The minimum temperature is between 16℃/60.8℉ and 18℃/64.4℉. You will need to wear long-sleeved shirts, thin pants and wind coats. There are more rainy days, so it is necessary to take an umbrella to go out and keep yourself safe with water-proof shoes.

Historical Kunming weather in July

historical kunming weather in julyclick here to enlarge
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