Lijiang Weather in October

Lijiang Weather in October

As the rainy season ends, the sunny, cloudy and rainy days claim their equal share in October. The temperature plunge will hit the city after it fluctuates a little. The monthly average daily temperature will stay between 9 and 20°C (48 – 68°F), with a greater temperature difference between day and night and large fluctuations. Please choose warm clothing.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
18 9 25 0
64.4 48.2 77 32

Sunny Days: 2 days
Cloudy Days: 8 days
Rainy Days: 21 days

What to wear and bring?

Early October

There are few fluctuations in early October with the average temperature staying between 12 and 22°C (54 – 72°F). The day-night temperature difference allows tourists to put on long-sleeved T-shirts in the day time and urges them to put on the jacket they brought along all day long. Moderate rains and showers are seen in the whole of early October. It can be cloudy for 1 or 2 days. So bring your rain gear for your tour, just in case.


Forecasts for the National Day holidays

It usually rains during the holidays with the temperature going between 13 and 22°C (55 – 72°F). So bring your rain gear. Note that record numbers of tourists can be encountered in top attractions. Consider wearing hoodies in the day time and putting on track jackets at night time.


Small fluctuations can be seen in mid-October and the lowest temperature at night can be 10°C (50°F). The temperature difference between day and night could increase. The average temperature in mid-October is between 10 to 19°C (50 – 66°F). Please choose T-shirts and jackets for outings. Always choose warm clothing for your arrangements in the evening. There are 2 to 3 cloudy days as against the general moderate and light rains in mid-October. Please bring your rain gear for outings.

Late October

The precipitation decreases when it comes to late October. More sunny days come along with the temperature plunge. The average temperature stays between 4 to 12°C (39 – 54°F) and even decreases to between 0 and 8°C (32 – 46°F). Warm clothing is a must for any tourism scheduled in late October. Please put on overcoats in the day time and the down jackets for the outdoor activities in the evening.

Historical Lijiang Weather in October

historical lijiang weather in octoberclick here to enlarge
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