Huangshan Weather in May

Huangshan Weather in May

It gets hotter in May. The highest maximum temperature is 36℃/96.8℉ and the lowest minimum temperature is 12℃/53.6℉. There are about 21 rainy days and the other days are cloudy in this month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
27.8 19 36 12
82.04 66.2 96.8 53.6

Cloudy Days: about 10 days
Rainy Days: about 21 days

What to wear and bring?

In early May
In early May, there is about a week of rainy days and some cloudy days. The minimum temperature is between 12℃/53.6℉ and 19℃/66.2℉. Long sleeves, a thin coat, trousers and a jacket are adequate clothing. It often rains on Labor Day and the maximum temperature is usually about 27℃/80.6℉. You’d better bring rain gear if you go out.

In mid-May
In mid-May, the weather is similar to early May, and the temperatures are quite high. The maximum temperature is 36℃/96.8℉. You could wear long sleeves or short sleeves inside and put on a coat. Taking an umbrella with you all the time is also a good idea.

In late May
There are about 9 days of rainfall, with several of them having light to moderate rain. The rest of the time it is mostly cloudy. It is necessary to taking rain gear and water-proof shoes to go out.

Historical Weather in May

historical weather in mayclick here to enlarge
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