Huangshan Weather in July

Huangshan Weather in July

In July in Huangshan it is summer time. This month in Huangshan is going to be much hotter than June. There are only a couple of days with the lowest minimum temperature. The highest maximum temperature is 40℃/104℉.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
35.3 25.3 40 23
95.54 77.54 104 73.4

Sunny Days: about 8 days
Cloudy Days: about 9 days
Rainy Days: about 12 days
Overcast Days: about 2 days

What to wear and bring?

In early July
Early in the month there could be up to a week of rainy days, with moderate rain and thunder showers. Bring an umbrella and wear water-proof shoes. The maximum temperature is around 34℃/93.2℉, so it is recommended that you wear cool clothing, short sleeves with trousers or short dresses.

In mid-July
Compared to earlier in the month, the maximum temperature is little bit higher, which is between33℃/91.4℉ and 37℃/98.6℉. There are only likely to be a couple of cloudy days.

In late July
The weather is similar to mid-July, and there are likely to be several days of moderate rain, when the maximum temperature is around 35℃/95℉. There are more sunny days and the maximum temperature rises to 40℃/104℉. You should wear short sleeves, waistcoats, soft shorts, or short dresses. Don’t forget sunscreen at this time of the year.

Historical Weather in July

historical weather in click here to enlarge
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