Hangzhou Weather in August

Hangzhou Weather in August

It is very hot in August, with maximum temperatures reaching 35℃/95.0℉. As well as this, August is one of the months with the most rain in a year, as there are usually about 18 rainy days in this month.

Average Maximum Average Minimum Highest Maximum Lowest Minimum
30 22 35 20
86.0 71.6 95.0 68.0

Sunny Days: about 2 days
Cloudy Days: about 4 days
Rainy Days: about 18 days
Overcast Days: about 7 days

What to wear and bring?

In early August Early August is the hottest period in the month, as the maximum temperature is around 30℃/86℉ and even above. It also usually rains lightly for a couple of days. It is recommended that you wear cool clothing such as shorts with short sleeved shirts, or short dresses.

In mid-August The weather is similar to early in the month, and the temperature is between 34℃/93.2℉ and 21℃/69.8℉. You need to wear cool clothing and do not forget to carry rain gear when you go out.

In late August The temperature begins to go down, and is between 27℃/80.6℉ and 23℃/73.4℉. There are likely to be a couple of moderately rainy days, and the temperature drops a little when it rains. It is recommended that you wear cool clothing when it is sunny, and wear something a little warmer when it is rainy.

Historical Weather in August

historical weather in augustclick here to enlarge
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